Why you'll fall in love with RITA ~ Danish TV Review
Geposted von ScandiNordic .Com am
December 20, 2020
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Now and then a tv show comes along that reminds us of the teenager we were, and the adult we became. Enter Rita.
When you left school, did you ever find yourself thinking, "I'm never going back again ... I will never make mistakes the grown ups do ... I'll never treat other people like they treated me"?
Rita, the global smash Netflix series about an unorthdox high school teacher in Denmark, has hit its stride again after three brilliant seasons and the fourth season steered its compass towards a suitable finale.
This time round, Rita faces daunting challenges as an empty nester, grandparent, finding lost love, keeping a business running and keeping her ethical values in check. Mille Dinesen portrays everyone's inner rebel to absolute perfection.
It wouldn't be Rita without her strong ensemble including the always amazing Carsten Bjørnlund as the very understanding Rasmus, and Lise Baastrup as the children's hero, HSP/ Aspie / Quirky Creative headmaster, Hjordis.
Be sure to also check out the Hjørdis spinoff on Netflix, very charming.
We think you will absolutely fall in love with Rita across all 5 seasons. Do yourself a favour and check RITA out NOW!

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