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Nordic Music Review - A-Ha 2017 MTV Unplugged - Summer Solstice - ScandiNordic

Postado por ScandiNordic .Com em

Nordic Music Review - A-Ha 2017 MTV Unplugged - Summer Solstice - ScandiNordic

SCANDINORDIC.COM  ~ It'midtsommer Scandinavia, when folks sit out on their rooftops till very late enjoying wine, long days and Northern Lights. The music is therefore rearranged suitably, to match the gentle optimism of the season.  The quality of the instruments and clarity of amazing vocals invite the listener to pay close attention to the superb musicianship throughout the album. This is timeless listening.   A-Ha deliver well beyond the easy tunes and create a very special moment in time that will be long appreciated. This special event is a most spectacular result. SCANDINORDIC.COM Gifts and Fashion

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